LED lamp circuit from scrap 16:39 Circuit Gallery 0 Power saving LED lamp from your scrap box In this article he is showing a method to convert a broken/defunct CFL into a LED based power sa... READ MORE +
AC Powered 220V Led Light Circuit 16:04 Circuit Gallery 0 Gallery of Electronics Sharing This is the simple and easy "AC Powered 220V Led Light Circuit" version of a white LED lamp that... READ MORE +
Led Phototheraphy Circuit 12:54 Circuit Gallery 1 Description While doing a research across the web, I notice the topic about phototherapy. It says that exposure to a light at specific wa... READ MORE +
Mains operated 25nos. led Lamp 11:15 Circuit Gallery 0 This is a 25 nos Led operated from mains of 230v supply. I bought a flourscent lamp adapter from a scrap dealer, because its easy to disman... READ MORE +
Power 220V Flashing LED 00:43 Unknown 0 Power 220V Flashing LED AC mains operated single LED flasher circuit, built using the popular CMOS timer chip TLC555 is shown below. The ... READ MORE +
Crazy Multicolor Flashing LED Globe! 00:40 Unknown 0 Crazy Multicolor Flashing LED Globe! Nowadays, single-color and multi-color flashing LEDs are easily available, which obviates the requir... READ MORE +
Automatic LED Emergency Light-Modified Version 06:50 Unknown 0 Automatic LED Emergency Light-Modified Version Diagram To understand the above circuit in a better way, it can be divided into tw... READ MORE +
LED driver circuit 06:08 Unknown 0 LED driver circuit CAT3063 LED driver circuit. The circuit diagram of a three channel LED driver circuit using CAT3063 is shown be... READ MORE +